Buzz lightyear
Buzz Lightyear

The long-awaited new “Buzz Lightyear” animated film was finally released on the Disney + on Wednesday August 3, 2022. This new episode of the Pixar studio’s very first first creation is already conquering the millions fans of the Woody band around the world. There are new characters, a whole new universe, but the most important thing is the lessons and perspectives that this masterpiece offers us.

The idea behind this animated film

Disney and Pixar wanted to tell us the story behind the Buzz Lightyear toy that Andy cherished throughout his childhood in the Toy Story’s franchise. The film answers the question of why his obsession with space travel and the whole cinematic universe around it.

Buzz Lightyear the Stubborn

Stuck with the entire team of his mission in a hostile planet due to his stubbornness and self-esteem, he must either accept his failure or try to fix it. He struggles again and again, learning from his mistakes each time to give the best of himself in order to achieve his goal: to go back into space and complete his mission. Even when we are convinced of our ability or decision, it is good to always listen to people’s advice. It doesn’t diminish our self-esteem listening to them. 

Team spirit is a real asset for success

Buzz had a hard time trusting his new team made of inexperienced and clumsy novices. In the end, he will realize that we all need the help of each other, even those we consider incapable or disabled. You have to believe in yourself and persevere to achieve your goals, but a little help from people is not too much.

The world if robots were able to make mistakes

What catches the eye in the movie is the relationship between robots and humans. The Robots are capable of disobeying orders if they feel betrayed. There is one who even made a mistake during a calculation, Although we all know artificial intelligence is well known for its irreproachable accuracy. This means that maybe one day robot will be so sensitive and unpredictable, just like human beings, that they may become a danger to us.

We can’t live in the past

Past mistakes can be a hindrance to our current fulfillment if we continue to let them haunt us. This is the most important lesson Buzz has to learn through the movie. The past is already done, nothing can be change it. We must learn to live with it, even when we are responsible for huge messes. The best thing is to make peace with the past, accept your mistakes and transcend them, that’s the best you can do.

Animated films are not only entertaining creations, but can also share important messages to everyone, especially children and teenagers. The recent Pixar animated film “Turning Red” for example, is a metaphorical way of telling the anguish and discomfort that a young girl feels for the first days of her puberty (in especially because of menstruation). This film also shows how a parent must accompany his daughter throughout this new step of her physical and mental development (her first romantic relationships too). Disney / Pixar’s movies are “masterclasses” and if you watch them just for fun, you risk missing a lot!

Go watch the entire movie via this link: https://www.disneyplus.com/movies/lightyear/2Pq8mtUg7ztB

© Matthew Mag 2022


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