The legend of Zircos tells the story of a young boy who must engage in a war between 2 opposing groups no matter what: The “Lougawous” (werewolf; described in the comics as creatures that can transform at any time) and the “Bouskè” (the trackers) who live on the continent of Yaiti. Very inspired by the world of mangas, this fantastic comic book is a metaphorical representation of the Haitian mythology. For Kerlintz Morantus, the creator of Zircos, this project has a cultural significance and the world must benefit from it.
A young medical student, Kerlintz Morantus, 28 years old, has always had drawing in his mind. Neighbor and classmate of the famous Haitian manga author since his early childhood, Kendy Joseph, thanks to whom he learned some tips while keeping his humility. At first, his parents, as it’s the case for most artists, were not happy that he devoted himself to this art. But over time, especially when they see the financial freedom drawing that gave their child, they began to better appreciate the profession of designer and cartoonist.
For two months in 2017, he went to France, for his medical studies, where he discovered for the first time the techniques of creating computer-assisted drawing. He is fascinated by the software’s such as Photoshop or Corel Draw, which can bring a little more aesthetic to his drawings made on paper back then. He then acquires his first graphic tablet and begins to work on the concept of a fantastic comic book with a international purpose.
His medical studies have never replaced the Comic art of his life, that’s why he even plans to devote himself entirely to it in his forties, after he has become an accomplished doctor. “For me, becoming a doctor is a way for me to be useful to society by contributing to the improvement of our health system,” he underlines. Despite his busy schedule, when he saw our announcement saying that we were looking for original comic projects for the launch of the magazine, he immediately took this opportunity and therefore prepared the pilot episode of Zircos in order to submit it to us.
“I had already received a proposal for another similar new magazine, shortly before Matthew Mag, but what caught my attention with this second one was that fact that it offered me also an international outlook, which went perfectly with my purposes for this project,” he adds. Those who have already read it, have given us positive feedback and are already encouraging Kerlintz to publish the rest of the series. In addition, he regularly publishes videos on his YouTube channel dealing with cultural topics. You can discover them via the following link and don’t forget to buy the first episode of Zircos:
You can also buy the first episode of Zircos by clicking this following link: